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Smoking E-Cigarette Destroys DNA, Exposes One To Cancer

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There is new research that claims smoking electronic cigarette causes cancer. The research also claims that e-cigarette damages DNA.

E-cigarette smoking is also known as vaping.

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What is E-cigarette smoking?

This is the process of inhaling vapour created by an electronic cigarette. It is also known as vaping.

In the past, some researchers claimed this is healthier than regular smoking. However, this new research reveals a contrary report.

This research published on, suggests that like tobacco, vaping is also dangerous. The study claims that vaping exposes the user to cancer and damages the DNA. Although the hazards in vaping is lesser than smoking, it is also very dangerous.

Researchers at the University of Southern California conducted this study with 82 healthy adults. The adults were divided into three categories:

  1. 37 Current vapers.
  2. 22 Smokers of cigarettes
  3. 23 Controlled groups who neither smoked cigarette or vaped.

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The blood samples of the participants were collected to determine the number of corrupted genes in each group.

On the account of vapers, there was a significant association of damaged genes.

The researchers noted that normal genes if disrupted can interfere with gene function. This exposes the individual to various diseases.

They reported that 12 per cent of affected genes in vapers were in the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the part of the cell that keeps the body immune to cancer. Scientists say they also prevent other diseases from developing.

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Also, the number of damaged genes in smokers was around 7.4 times higher compared to vapers.

Dr Ahmad Besaratinia, the lead author and professor of research population and public health said:

 “Our study, for the first time, investigates the biological effects of vaping in adult e-cigarette users, while simultaneously accounting for their past smoking exposure.

“Our data indicate that vaping, much like smoking, is associated with dysregulation of mitochondrial genes and disruption of molecular pathways involved in immunity and the inflammatory response, which govern health versus disease state.” Source: PUNCH HealthWise

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