Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of implantation Bleeding In Women

Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Impartation Bleeding In Women

Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of implantation Bleeding In Women


This is the spotting or little bleeding that happens in early pregnancy. It sometimes occurs right around or soon after your monthly period. Impartation bleeding occurs in almost 25% of pregnancies. This indicates that a fertilized egg has been implanted, or connected to the wall of a woman’s uterus.

Implantation bleeding is not a warning that something is wrong. Neither does it mean it has no bearing on the pregnancy’s viability. It does, however, signal that you may be pregnant. So, call your gynecologist and stop doing things that could harm your baby’s development. These things include consuming alcohol, smoking, or taking certain drugs.

Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Impartation Bleeding In Women

Why does this occur?

When a fertilized egg, or blastocyst, adheres to the uterine wall’s lining, it causes implantation bleeding. Blood vessels abound in the uterine lining. The fertilized egg pushes into the lining during implantation. It then shatters some blood vessels and produces some bleeding. Your cervix is where the blood leaves your body.

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Different types of spotting

Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of implantation Bleeding In Women

Some women will mistake this blood for the start of their period or menstrual cycle. One of the reasons your doctor would inquire if your last menstruation was normal is because of this.

Other types of spotting include:

  • Bleeding near ovulation
  • An early miscarriage
  • Or a chemical pregnancy, etc.
  • It might be confused with implantation bleeding (a nonviable pregnancy).

Bleeding during ovulation:

Spotting might occur when you ovulate and release an egg from the ovary. You might have spotting that lasts one or two days and happens about 14 days after the start of your period.

Miscarriage in the first trimester:

Five weeks after ovulation, a heavier flow with visible clots can be seen. Most of the time, a dark red color, as well as cramping and passing tissue through the vagina, can occur.

Aside from implantation bleeding, there are other reasons for spotting:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Endometriosis
  • Polyps or fibroids.
  • IVF or IUI methods for infection
  • Oral contraceptives can be started, stopped, or not used at all.
  • Sexual encounters
  • Fertility medicines have side effects.
  • Thyroid illness is a condition that affects the thyroid gland.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a type of polycystic ova (PCOS).
Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Implantation Bleeding In Women

What to Watch Out For

Implantation bleeding usually occurs seven to ten days after fertilization. It occurs approximately a week after ovulation and is light and brief (lasting no more than 48 hours).

If you have a 28-day cycle and ovulate on day 14, for example, implantation will take place between days 20 and 24. If your cycle is longer, implantation will take place four to eight days before your next period is due.

Blood can have a variety of colors depending on how long it takes to exit the body, including 

  • light or dark red.
  • If mixed with cervical mucous, it turns pink or orange.
  • Brown

Implantation bleeding can be followed by slight cramping in some women. You may also encounter early indicators of pregnancy, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Insomnia
  • Morning sickness is a common occurrence.
  • Breasts that hurt

There is only one method to tell the difference between implantation bleeding and intermenstrual bleeding, or an early miscarriage. 

You should go to your doctor for a physical exam and an hCG blood test. The test will detect levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). They may also perform an early pregnancy ultrasound around weeks 6 to 8 of pregnancy. This way, they look for indicators of pregnancy, such as a yolk sac, fetal pole, and fetal heartbeat.

Bleeding After Implantation: What to Do Next?

If you experience mild bleeding around the time of your menstrual period, and if it does not progress to a heavier, more regular flow, you should take a pregnancy test. You should also schedule an appointment with your gynecologist to confirm the pregnancy and begin prenatal care. They may ask you to retake the test to confirm your pregnancy for their records.

It is not necessary to treat implantation bleeding. This is because it is a natural sign of early pregnancy. Your healthcare professional is likely going to advise you to avoid tampons during this period.

If the bleeding continues, becomes heavy, or contains clots, you should see your doctor right away because it could mean you’re having an early miscarriage.

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