hiring a housemaid in Nigeria

5 Important Things To Must Do Before Hiring a New Domestic Staff

hiring a housemaid in Nigeria

Yes, you need a housekeeper. Especially when you do not have enough time to perform all the household tasks and want more free time. When employing a cleaner, bear in mind that she will have access to your most valuable possessions. Those include your children, pets, and jewels. You must have confidence in your housekeeper to treat your home with the same care and attention that you do. Take these simple steps to recruit the perfect domestic help for your house. If you are planning or hiring domestic help, we got you. Wellness healthcare is the best health specialist with the best HMO plan in Nigeria. We have listed the four most important things to do before hiring one.

The Right Domestic Staffing Company: Using a trustworthy reference source is a good approach to use domestic workers. There are a variety of ways to find domestic workers. They include word-of-mouth recommendations from your friends’ nanny or relatives’ driver. While this may appear to be a reliable source, you must ensure that it is respectable and trustworthy. Going via a respectable help agency is an alternate option to discover applicants. You only have to make sure you understand how they find their prospects.

hiring house help in Nigeria

Carry Out A Thorough Check On Their Background: This is the most important step to take when hiring domestic help. This allows you to understand the type of person you are bringing into the house and allows you to expect their behavior and habits.

Pay attention to their guarantors: In certain situations, people who are desperate for a job do anything. They go to the streets to get some well-dressed people to stand in for them – sometimes for a token – and some employers will fall for it. Yet, in instances when the maid to be hired is an unknown person, it is recommended that the guarantors given by such persons be trustworthy individuals with verifiable addresses. This makes things easier if the housekeeper breaks any of the contract’s stipulations. As a result, it is suggested that consumers should not hurry into employing unknown individuals who do not have trustworthy guarantors.

medical check for domestic help

Carry Out Proper Medical Check-up: If you haven’t done this, don’t even consider having them sleep in your home. A complete medical examination is unavoidable. Remember that your maid will be interacting with your children, so why take a chance? Domestic worker screening is a low-cost program that assesses both their job fitness and any potential medical risks they may bring to your family. Our personalized Health Checks are thorough examinations for everyone in your home. Wellness healthcare’s Health Check Screenings guarantee that you are aware of the health status of the people who matter most to you. There is a Health Check built for everyone, especially about your domestic helper.

Ask The Right Questions: People sometimes get carried away or overwhelmed by the need to hire a housekeeper. This makes them forget to ask important questions of their potential housekeeper. Questions such as their previous employment; if they’ve ever been arrested or jailed, etc. should be asked. Also, ask about their parents; how much they want to be paid, and their expectations, to avoid silent friction.

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