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Shocking! Two Real Reasons Why An Already Pregnant Woman May Still Conceive

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Two Real Reasons Why An Already Pregnant Woman May Still Conceive.

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A health expert has revealed two real reasons why an already pregnant woman may still conceive.

An Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Olajumoke Ogunro spoke about this condition in a chat with PUNCH Health Wise.

Dr Ogunro urged women to be on alert regarding this rare condition defined as Superfetation.

According to her, superfetation is the manifestation of another foetus while there is an initial and developing foetus.

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Two Causes of Superfetation

Dr Ogunro said with emphasis that the rare condition can be caused by:

  1. Ovulation during conception.
  2. There is the release of an egg and implantation.

The physician who works at the Alpha Assisted Reproductive Klinic said this condition is extremely rare in humans. However, it might be common in other animals.

Dr Ogunro explained that superfetation is rare in humans because after pregnancy occurs, the hormones responsible for ovulation are blocked.

So, it is extremely rare for this condition to occur in humans.

Her words:

“In humans, it is very rare. In fact, in the whole medical literature, what has been recorded is less than 10 cases. 

“It is more common in certain animals like rodents, fishes, kangaroos.

“What happens is that a woman ovulates, she releases her eggs and then the egg gets fertilised and implanted in the uterus, so pregnancy occurs and then in another cycle, she ovulates again, releases the eggs, they get fertilised and implantation occurs for the second time.

“It is extremely rare because the way nature does is that once a woman is pregnant, it’s rare for another pregnancy to occur.

“That is because the pregnancy hormones act as a barrier to prevent another pregnancy and also, the lining of the womb changes that it is almost impossible for a second pregnancy to occur, however, this rare condition can occur.”

She explained further that if this rare case occurs, the children may not be born together.

Superfetation or Twins

She clarified that superfetation is not the same as twins. This is because both foetuses are attached to the uterus at the same time.

Dr Ogunro continued:

“With twins, what happens is that they are conceived at the same time, within the same menstrual cycle but with superfetation, it is at different times, one is older than the other.

“What happens is that if one is older than the other, the younger one may be delivered pre-term.

“The younger one has all the challenges in pre-term, challenges such as being born earlier than the due date. It is different from twins because with twins, the conception takes place at the same time but with superfetation, it is two eggs that have been released and fertilised at different times in two different menstrual cycles.”

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In a 2017 Journal for Reproductive and Sexual Health, Superfetation is extremely rare in humans.

It said:

“Superfetation in humans is an extremely rare situation in which a woman becomes pregnant a second time with another younger foetus in the face of an ongoing pregnancy.

“It is claimed to be common in some species of animals but is extremely rare in humans that fewer than 10 cases have been reported in the medical literature. Superfetation is different from the process of twinning or multiple gestations and involves the conception of an additional fetus during an established pregnancy.

“With superfetation, the two fetuses have different gestational ages and due dates.”

The study confirmed the impossibility of pregnancy reoccurring.

It explained:

“After conception occurs in a normal pregnancy, hormones have released that stop further ovulation.

“The lining of the uterus thickens in a way that should prevent a second embryo from attaching itself.

“Finally, the cervix forms a barrier known as the mucus plus, which is designed to protect the developing fetus from microbial infection and serves as an effective barrier to sperm.”

In another study carried out in Delta State University Abraka highlights why the condition is rare.

It said:

“after conception occurs in a normal pregnancy, hormones have released that stop further ovulation.

“The lining of the uterus thickens in a way that should prevent a second embryo from attaching itself.

“Finally, the cervix forms a barrier known as the mucus plus, which is designed to protect the developing fetus from microbial infection and serves as an effective barrier to sperm.”

Source: PUNCH Health Wise

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