Must Read: How Health Insurance Saved His Wife And Baby Girl
The hospital doors opened and the nurses rushed in, wheeling Mrs Sambo on the bed as she screamed. Mr Sambo ran behind them, sweating. He watched in tears as his wife screamed in labour, wishing there was a way he could take the pain away from her. The doctors wheeled her into the delivery room and Mr Sambo followed suit. He stood by the door and watched as his wife was gently transferred to the bed to get prepped for delivery. His phone rang and he answered it.

“Hello, mummy….yes, we are at the hospital but they are still prepping her for delivery.” He explained.
“Okay, we are stuck in traffic but we will be there soon.” The mother answered from the other end of the call.
“Okay, ma.” He said and was about to hang up when his mother interjected.
“One more thing my son. I hope you have enough money for everything.” She asked.
“Yes, I do.” Mr Sambo said confidently. And he truly believed he did. He had been saving for the past nine months to make sure he had gathered enough money for his wife’s delivery. Now, the moment had come and he was sure he had saved up how much he would need. But, he didn’t know that his unborn baby, (which they would name John if it was a boy and Joan if it was a girl) had other plans for him.

“10 centimetres dilated. Preparing for delivery.” The doctor announced as the nurses and the attending doctor picked up their tools and began to prep for delivery. Mr Sambo watched on as his wife screamed, pushing the baby. She beckoned on him to come and hold her and he obeyed. He hurried to her side and grabbed her hand. She squeezed tightly as she pushed further.
“Sorry baby, it will be over soon. Our little angel will be here soon.” Mr Sambo assured his wife as she pushed on. But, after about 20 minutes of pushing and groaning and no update from the doctor, Mr Sambo began to suspect something was amiss. His suspicions were confirmed when the doctor and the nurses began to whisper amongst each other.
“What is going on doctor?’ He asked. Mrs. Sambo was already beginning to look worried. And the last thing Mr. Sambo wanted was anything to worry his wife while she was trying to deliver their baby. The doctor walked up to the head of the bed to talk to the couple.
“To have a successful vaginal birth, babies should be positioned headfirst near the birth canal. I’m afraid your baby is not placed headfirst and we cannot bring the baby out through the Caesarean section. CS.” The doctor explained. Mr Sambo did not wait for the doctor to finish talking before he gave the go-ahead. He just wanted his wife to have a safe delivery.
“But that will cost an extra N250,000 for the surgery.” The doctor added. He explained that his wife and the baby would have to stay back in the hospital and be treated for Jaundice. Mr Sambo immediately brought out his phone and began to dial his friends, asking for money here and there. He was able to gather 80,000 Naira.
“Why don’t you try your HMO?’ his mother asked as she transferred some money to him, bringing his total to N100,000.
“I doubt they will be able to cover the N150,000 I need.” Mr Sambo said sadly but his mother insisted. She encouraged him to reach out to his health care insurance provider, Wellness healthcare, and hear what they had to say.
Mr Sambo reluctantly called his health insurance company, wellness healthcare. To his surprise, Wellness health insurance told him they would cover the rest of the cost and also be responsible for the bill. that resulted from staying in the hospital including feeding, drugs, and the treatment for the baby. Tears rolled down Mr Sambo’s eyes as he thanked Wellness healthcare continuously before rushing back to give the doctor a go-ahead.

One week later, Mr and Mrs Sambo went home with little Joan, all hale and hearty, and with no debts to the hospital.
Like the Sambos, giving birth is not an easy task and can be accompanied by many unplanned expenses. However, with Wellness HMO, we can assist your delivery. To learn more about our plans, you can simply click here to find out our available HMO plans. You can also call us on 070093556377. You can also send an email to